Bacterial Growth MCQ for Staff Nurses - Objective Questions

bacterial growth mcq

1. Multiple antibiotic resistance is mediated by
[A]. Episome
[B]. Plasmid
[C]. Colplasmid
[D]. Both b and c

2. “Antagonism “ is seen in
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Plasmids
[C]. Log phase
[D]. None of these

3. the first phase of a growth curve is
[A]. Log phase
[B]. Lag phase
[C]. phase
[D]. Both a and b

4. In gram positive and gram negative bacteria the electron transport contains
[A]. Naphthquinone
[B]. Plastoquinone
[C]. Ubiquinone
[D]. Both a and b

5. Growth in a closed system, affected by nutrient limitation and waste product accumulation is called
[A]. Batch culturing
[B]. Ascus
[C]. Fruiting body
[D]. Sporangiosphore

6. Cells are active and synthesizing new protoplasm. This stage of growth is called
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Log phase
[D]. All of these

7. Which one of the following tissues can metabolize glucose, fatty acids and ketone bodies for ATP
[A]. Liver
[B]. Muscle
[C]. Brain
[D]. R.[B].C

8. Which one of the following mineral elements play an important role in biological nitrogen fixation
[A]. Copper
[B]. Magnesium
[C]. Zinc
[D]. Molybdenum

9. Rapid bacterial growth phase is known as
[A]. Log
[B]. Lag
[C]. Lack
[D]. None of these

10. Clostridium welchii spore formation can be induced only on specified media such as
[A]. Wilson­Blair medium
[B]. Macconkey medium
[C]. Ellner medium
[D]. Thayee­M

Part 1part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7
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