MCQs on Pediatrics for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams

1. A two year old child was brought to the OPD by his parents with complaints of not eating anything On amination her weight is 11.5 kg (50lh percentile of normal)and height 75 percentile of normal management is
a) Advise multivitamin Tonic  
b) Force to eat
c) Investigate for UTI      
d) Ask parents to stop worrying

2. Which of the following acts can a one year old child perform ?  
a) Sits down from standing position                  
b) Drinks from cup
c) Speaks one or two words with meaning  
d) Rings bell purposefully

3. Prenatal diagnosis is possible for all of following except  
a) Sickle cell trait  
b) Beta Thalassemia
c) Ectodermal dysplasia  
d) Duchennes muscular dystrophy

4. A 7 year old boy with reduced height and weight for age for past one year is likely to have
a) Malnutrition  
b) Lymphoma  
c) Chronic infection  
d) Measles

5. Intra uterine growth retardation can be caused by all except
a) Nicotine
b) Alcohol
c) Propranolol
d) Phenothiazine

6. Which of the following childhood disorder improves with increase in age
a) Conduct disorder  
b) Emotional problems    
c) Temper tantrum
d) Sleep disorder

7.A normal infant sits briefly leaning forward on her hands, reaches for and grasps a cube and transfers it from   hand to hand. She babbles but cannot wave bye-bye nor can she grasp objectives with the finger and thumb. Her age is  
a) 4 months  
b) 7 months  
c) 10 months  
d) 14 months

8.Atavism is when a child resembles his
a) Parents  
b) Grand parents
c) Cousin
d) Twin

9. Two carpal bones are radiologically seen in the wrist X-ray of most of the children by the end of
a) 1 year  
b) 2 years  
c) 3 years  
d) 4 years  

10. An infants sits with minimal support, attempts to attain a toy beyond reach, rolls over from   supine to prone     position and does not have pincer grasp is at a development of  
a) 3 months  
b) 4 months  
c) 6 months  
d) 8 months

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