MCQs on Skin for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams

1.healthy skin requires special care to maintain its health, elasticity, vibrancy and?

A.  color
B.  pallor
C.  dryness
D.  dullness
Ans: A

2.what is the technical name for the study, including its structure, functions and treatment?

A.  etiology
B.  anatomy
C.  pathology
D.  dermatology
Ans: D

3.the outermost layer of the skin is called the ?

A.  corium
B.  dermis
C.  adipose
D.  epidermis
Ans: D

4.which of the following layers of skin does not contain and blood vessels?

A.  cutis
B.  dermis
C.  corium
D.  epidermis
Ans: D

5.what is another name for the stratum germinativum?

A.  epidermis
B.  dermal layer
C.  stratum lucidum
D.  basal layer or stratum basale
Ans: D

6.Where does mitosis (cell division) or replacment of the skin take place?

A.  stratum lucidum
B.  stratum corneum
C.  stratum granulosm
D.  statum greminativum
Ans: D

7.the stratum germinativm and what other layer of skin contain melanin?

A.  dermis
B.  subcutaneous
C.  stratum corneum
D.  stratum spinosum
Ans: D

8.on the human body, the thickest skin is located on the:

A.  thighs
B.  buttocks
C.  abdomen
D.  palms and soles
Ans: D

9.The layer of the epidermis that sheds keratin cells that are constantly replaced is the?

A.  stratum lucidum
B.  stratum corneum
C.  stratum mucosum
D.  stratum granlosum
Ans: B

10.what quality is notable about the stratum corneum?

A.  it is the thinnest layer of skin
B.  it is the weakest layer of skin
C.  it is the toughest layer of skin
D.  it is lowermost layer of skin
Ans: C

11.the stratum corneum is composed of ?

A.  melanin
B.  granules
C.  keratin cells
D.  squamous cells
Ans: C

12.which layer is the top, or uppermost, layer of the epidermis?

A.  dermis
B.  stratum corneum
C.  stratum mucosum
D.  stratum granulosum
Ans: B

13.where are the blood vessels found that supply the skin?

A.  dermis
B.  epidermis
C.  stratum lucidum
D.  stratum corneum
Ans: A

14.sudoriferous glands, sebaceous glands sensory nerve endings, blood vessels, arrector pili muscles and a major  portion of each hair follicle are found in the ?
A.  dermis
B.  epidermis
C.  stratum corneum
D.  startum spinosum
Ans: A

15.what part of the skin is often referred to as "true skin"

A.  dermis
B.  epidermis
C.  stratum corneum
D.  stratum spinosum
Ans: A

16.which layer of the skin produces collgen protein and elastin fibers to help give the skin its elasicity and pliability?

A.  dermis
B.  epidermis
C.  stratum lucidum
D.  stratum graninativum
Ans: A

17.the deterioration of collagen and elastiin fibers during fibers during the aging process causes?

A.  rosacea
B.  freckles
C.  macules
D.  wrinkles
Ans: D

18.what is major function of the sudoriferous gland?

A.  gives skin texture
B.  gives skin a healthy color
C.  protects the skin's elasticity
D.  helps to regulate body temperature
Ans: D

19.sweat or perspitation is secreted by what gland?

A.  adrenal
B.  endocrine
C.  sebaceous
D.  sudoriferous
Ans: D

20.the small openings onto the skin from the sudoriferous glands are called ?

A.  ducts
B.  pores
C.  glands
D.  follicles
Ans: B

21.the sudoriferous (sweat) glands are referred to as:

A.  nervous system
B.  muscular system
C.  endocrine system
D.  circulatory system
Ans: A

22.sudoriferous and sebaceous glands are referred to as ?

A.  pores
B.  follicles
C.  duct glands
D.  ductless glands
Ans: C

23.control and regilation of body temperature by the sudoriferous glands help maintan the body temperture at?

A.  78.0 f or 29.4 c
B.  94.0 f or 87.9 c
C.  88.6 f or 37 c
D.  98.6 f or 37 c
Ans: D

24.the greatest concentration of sudorferous glands is found on the?

A.  arms
B.  eyelids
C.  midsection of the body
D.  palms, soles,scalp and forehead and underarms
Ans: D

25.the sebaceous gland produces:

A.  melanin
B.  dandruff
C.  sebum (oil.
D.  perspiration
Ans: C

26. on what area of the body would you not find any sebaceous glands?

A.  the face
B.  in the groin area
C.  on the arms and legs
D.  on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
Ans: D

27.what is the function of sebum?

A.  carry melanin
B.  produce sweat
C.  give skin elasticity
D.  keep skin from drying and chapping
Ans: D

28.the papillary canal take oil (sebum) to the?

A.  nerve
B.  keratin
C.  blood vessels
D.  surface of the skin
Ans: D

29.where is the layer of skin called the subcutaneous layer located ?

A.  above the cuticle
B.  below the dermis
C.  above the epidermis
D.  below the adipose tissue
Ans: B

30.the subcutaneous tissue of skin is made up of mostly?

A.  keratin
B.  muscle
C.  melanin
D.  fatty cells
Ans: D

31.what layer of the skin contains large blood vessels that transport nouishment to skin and nerve ?

A.  epidermis
B.  melanin layer
C.  spinum spinosum
D.  subcutaneous layer
Ans: D

32.what factor would cause a reaction in sensory nerve fibers?

A.  fear
B.  light
C.  sound
D.  cold temperatures
Ans: D

33.what tans the skin to help protect it from harmful ultraviolet rays?

A.  sebum
B.  melanin
C.  the acid mantle
D.  the subcutaneous layer
Ans: B

34.light skin and dark skin differ in the ?

A.  number of melanocytes the contain
B.  rate and amount of melanin produced
C.  number of nerve endings the contain
D.  number of epidermal cells they contain
Ans: B

35.almost 90% of the skin's wrinkles are caused by ?

A.  exposure to the sun
B.  exposure to pollutants
C.  excessive use of astringents
D.  excessive exposure to fluorescent lights
Ans: A

36.on the human body, the thinnest skin is located on the ?

A.  chin
B.  eyelids
C.  soles of the feet
D.  skull just behind the ears
Ans: B

37.healthy skin's pH level of 4.5 to 5.5 is?

A.  highly acidic
B.  acid-balanced
C.  highly alkaline
D.  slightly alkaline
Ans: B should a salon profession react if the client has a skin disease?

A.  prescribe proper treatment
B.  suggest home remedies to client
C.  perform the service while wearing gloves
D.  refer client to a physician or dermatologist
Ans: D

39.chronic is the term used to identify condition that are ?

A.  visible
B.  brief and severe
C.  frequent and habitual
D.  influenced by weather
Ans: C

40.the term used to identify conditions that are brief and severe is ?

A.  acute
B.  chronic
C.  objective
D.  subjective
Ans: A

41.a disease that spreads by personal contact is known as?

A.  systemic
B.  congenital
C.  contagious
D.  occupational
Ans: C

42.a disease influenced by weather is referred to as?

A.  serial
B.  rational
C.  seasonal
D.  inflammable
Ans: C

43.what is the technical name for the study of the cause of diseases?

A.  etiology
B.  anatomy
C.  pathology
D.  dermatology
Ans: A

44.what is the technical term for the study of deseases?

A.  eitology
B.  anatomy
C.  pathology
D.  dermatology
Ans: C

45.indicating a medical opinion of a future condition of illness is known as a(an.?

A.  analysis
B.  diagnosis
C.  prognosis
D.  recognition
Ans: c alleegic reaction to cosmetics or chemicals which salon professionals may be susceptible to is called?

A.  papules
B.  chloasma
C.  lenigines
D.  sermatitis venenata
Ans: D example of a subjective symptom would be?

A.  itching
B.  swelling
C.  redness
D.  discharge
Ans: A

48.abnormal changes in the structure of organs or tissues are called primary and secondary?

A.  wheal
B.  fissure
C.  lesions
D.  infection
Ans: C

49.a freckle is an example of which type of primary skin lesion?

A.  lentigo
B.  papule
C.  macule
D.  leukoderma
Ans: C

50.a papule is an example of a ?

A.  tertiary lesion
B.  primary skin lesion
C.  subjective symptom
D.  secondary skin lesion
Ans: B

51.vesicles can be produced by which of the following conditions?

A.  callus
B.  verrucas
C.  poison ivy
D.  dry, scaly skin
Ans: C

52.herpes simplex is the technical term for?

A.  acne
B.  eczema
C.  psoriasis
D.  fever blisters
Ans: D

53.a solid mass in the skin that could be soft or hard, fixed or freely movable and may be elevated or deep iscalled a ?

A.  crust
B.  callus
C.  tumor
D.  wheal
Ans: C

54.a cyst is defined by which of the following description?

A.  oozing sore
B.  wheal lesions
C.  crack in the skin
D.  abnormal membranous sac
Ans: D

55.a secondary lesion appearing as round, dry patches of skin covered with rough, silvert scales is called?

A.  acne
B.  eczema
C.  psoriasis
D.  herpes simplex
Ans: C

56.which of the following skin lesions often occurs when skin loses its flesibility due to exposure to wind, cold, water, etc and cracks in the skin appear?

A.  stain
B.  tumor
C.  fissure
D.  papule
Ans: C

57.the lesion found following the healing of an injury is called a(n.?

A.  vitiligo
B.  fissure
C.  scar
D.  excoriation
Ans: C

58.which of the following terms is another name for a keratoma?

A.  a wart
B.  a callus
C.  a tumor
D.  a birthmark
Ans: B

59.what may happen to the skin if an area is subject to pressure or friction over a long period of time?

A.  it may wear thin
B.  it may become shiny
C.  it may scale and flake
D.  it may become callused
Ans: D

60.verruca is a name given to a variety of?

A.  warts
B.  ulcers
C.  fissures
D.  skin tags
Ans: A

61.melanotic sarcoma is a skin cancer that begins with?

A.  a mole
B.  an ulcer
C.  lentigines
D.  miliaria rubra
Ans: A

62.what is the technical name for liver spots?

A.  rubra
B.  crustacea
C.  chloasma
D.  leukoderma
Ans: C

63.what is another name for a stain in the skin caused by the dilation of the small blood vessels in the skin, also known as a birthmark?

A.  scar
B.  callus
C.  nevus
D.  verruca
Ans: C

64.comedone is the technical name for?

A.  nevus
B.  macule
C.  blackhead
D.  whitehead
Ans: C

65.what is the techical term for a decrease in activity of melanocytes?

A.  acne
B.  verruca
C.  leukoderma
D.  melanoderma
Ans: C

66.accumulations of hardened sebum beneath the skin are called whiteheads or:

A.  acne
B.  milia
C.  rosacea
D.  comedones
Ans: B

67.acne most often occurs on the ?

A.  legs, hips, and arms
B.  face, back and chest
C.  fingers, toes and soles
D.  ankles, knees and elbow
Ans: B

68.ance can be found in two stages, acne simplex and:

A.  rosacea
B.  asteatosis
C.  acne vulagarsis
D.  deep-seated acne
Ans: C

69.what is the professinal action to take when a client with rosacea requests a facial service with you?

A.  refer clients to another salon
B.  avoid the issue of rosacea
C.  proceed with the service but wear protective gloves
D.  proceed with the service with approval of the client's physician
Ans: D

70.what is a condition called that is characterized by dry, scaly skin caused by a decreased production of sebum?

A.  rosacea
B.  steatoma
C.  asteatosis
D.  seborrhea
Ans: C

71.which disorder is caused by excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands?

A.  millia
B.  asteatosis
C.  seborrhea
D.  bromidrosis
Ans: C

72.where does a steatoma most often appear?

A.  on the arms, legs and chest
B.  on the face, feet and hands
C.  on the fingers, feet and toes
D.  on the scalp, neck and back
Ans: D

73.what is the definition of bromidrosis?

A.  excessive sebum
B.  the lack of sebum
C.  the lack of perspiration
D.  foul-smelling perspiration
Ans: D

74.the lack of perspiration caused by fever or disease is called?

A.  anhidrosis
B.  osmidrosis
C.  bromidrosis
D.  hyperhidrosis
Ans: A

75.what is the disorder called that is an overproduction of perspiration caused by excessive heat or general body  weakness?

A.  osmidrosis
B.  anhidrosis
C.  bromidrosis
D.  hyperhidosis
Ans: D

76.which of the following terms does NOT describe a guideline that can indicate skin cancer?

A.  color
B.  border
C.  texture
D.  asymmetry
Ans: C

77.products that work tofurther cleanse the skin and return it to its normal pH include?

A.  oils
B.  massage creams
C.  manual exfoliants
D.  astringents and tonic lotions
Ans: D

78.a term that is used to describe moisturizing is ?

A.  oiling
B.  toning
C.  hydrating
D.  cleansing
Ans: C

79.applying pressure to motor points will have which of the following effects?

A.  inflame and irrtate muscles
B.  increase secretion
C.  decrease production
D.  soothe and stimulate nerves and muscles
Ans: D

80.effleurage is a massage movement that involves a:

A.  circular movement with no gliding
B.  light tapping or slapping movement
C.  light, gentle stroking or circular movement
D.  light or heavy kneading and rolling of muscles
Ans: C

81.the gentle massage movement  that often begins and ends a massage treatment is ?

A.  vibration
B.  effleurage
C.  petrissage
D.  tapotement
Ans: B

82.the massage manipulation that consists of heavy kneading and rolling of the muscles is called:

A.  friction
B.  vibration
C.  petrissage
D.  tapotement
Ans: C

83.which massage manipulation deeply stimules the muscles, nerves and skin glands?

A.  friction
B.  vibration
C.  petrissage
D.  tapotement
  Ans: C

84.the massage movement that should not be used when the client needs soothing is?

A.  gliding
B.  stroking
C.  effleurage
D.  tapotement
Ans: D

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